Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I use to always hear the saying "Watch how you treat people" and that it will always come back on you regardless if you treated them right or wrong....I watch the world and the people in it...and see that we treat people as if they don't deserve respect...we go on  hurting one another as if it doesn't have an effect on us...from the friends to family...and on to the people we don't even know....Sometimes I think parents wonder as we leave home how we treat people when we are away from them...I think they wonder if they have done enough and raised us right to become the good citizens of this world we live in today.....when I leave the house I wonder the same thing..When I see someone needs help with something and I can lend a hand as I'm doing so I think about my mom and I say to myself that I wonder if she knows that she has raised a respectful young woman and when my deed is done I walk away knowing that my mother has done her job and I have done mine because I'm always going back to the talks that we have and I use those everyday that I'm away from her even if it isn't nothing but a few hours

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