Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just want to scream

I just want to scream because I'm confused
their changing stuff up and I don't know what to do
One minute we moving foward next minute we moving back
Today ain't the day it needs to be like that
When we go back to make our schedules for next semster
I'm going to make sure I have the type of teachers that have their selves together
Irritation is what I'm feeling don't think I should've came today just cause
I mean if you think about it things were better left at what they were
I just want to scream so can I go outside please
maybe someone will tell me to go home and let them have peace
if so then I will do just that go home and go to sleep
Have peaceful dreams and get up under the covers where I can't be seen
Close my door so that my snores can't be heard
and maybe when I wake up everything either won't be remembered or
it will all just be a blurr!!!!!!!

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