Thursday, October 13, 2011

Just want to scream

I just want to scream because I'm confused
their changing stuff up and I don't know what to do
One minute we moving foward next minute we moving back
Today ain't the day it needs to be like that
When we go back to make our schedules for next semster
I'm going to make sure I have the type of teachers that have their selves together
Irritation is what I'm feeling don't think I should've came today just cause
I mean if you think about it things were better left at what they were
I just want to scream so can I go outside please
maybe someone will tell me to go home and let them have peace
if so then I will do just that go home and go to sleep
Have peaceful dreams and get up under the covers where I can't be seen
Close my door so that my snores can't be heard
and maybe when I wake up everything either won't be remembered or
it will all just be a blurr!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Looking for something

I'm looking for something and I still haven't found it
I have faith that I will find it today and if not I the faith is still kept that I will find it tomorrow
And if not then the faith is going to be kept until I find it
I've been waiting for a year now and I've been doing what it takes to find this
But it seems as if I keep getting these road blocks that stop me in my tracks
Sometimes I feel like it's not meant for me to look then sometimes I feel it is
I mean maybe if I stop looking it will make its way to find me
Only GOD knows so I should just chill, kick back, and wait and see
But apart of me like I said doesn't want to stop looking
Because I feel that if I stop I won't ever find it

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Not my best work

I don't think that is my best, you  know that paper that I just turned in
That paper that was due today that I just wrote yesterday
Lastnight around 9:45 I honestly just wrote something down
I felt confused, consumed with so many thoughts
My day yesterday wasn't good at all
I got hot and I mean as hot as the sun
I was burning up but don't know the degrees it was son
I came to school  today went straight the library so I could type up
those written down words that were wrote in pen, chicken scratch handwriting is what I did then

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Can't just stand still

Can't just stand still no not here in this world
We only got one life to live and we gotta live it to the fullest
Looking over our shoulder's is what many of us do out here
in this world because some of these people are just that cruel
Can't just stand still because we might miss out on something
I've been standing still for a long time because of the fears of the world that I have
Praying everyday that he washes them away and instill in  me a dose of confidence
Because I don't want to continue to live my life like this
Been trying to come outta my shell
Making conversation's with people as I'm here on campus
Trying to find things to do with my spare time other than go home and lay down
Come to find out other people are standing still just like me
But I try to encourage them to not stand still that they have to move their feet
Beyond school grounds...home bound...can't you see
I don't want these people to end up like me
lost in a world that I was born into years ago
to come this far to continue to feel that I will never find the thing that I'm looking for
People we can't stand still we have to continue to grow and find some kind of way to let
the fears of this complicated world go!